Max Gomez
CALPO President
Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenido!
Hola! It is an honour to introduce to you the Canadian Association of Latino Peace Officers – CALPO. We are a group of Latin American Canadians who are proud to serve our communities through the pursuit of justice, respect and equality. I am thrilled to be CALPO’s first President and part of its inaugural Board of Directors.
I would like to thank our membership for allowing me to serve and represent you. Be sure that your hard work and dedication is now needed more than ever before.
Our vision of “a lasting partnership between the Latin American community and Law Enforcement” is a true reflection of my heart and my commitment to CALPO. There are few vocations where we have the chance to make a lasting & positive impact in a person’s life, even if that means holding them accountable for their actions. I believe that law enforcement is #WorkThatMatters and I am thankful for the opportunity to serve.
I would like to acknowledge the sacrifice and selflessness of all of our men and women in uniform. I know that the uniform that I proudly wear has been purchased with the blood and tears of men, women and children. I thank God for you. Heroes in Life, Not Death.
I invite you to support CALPO in the fulfilment of our Vision and Mission and welcome your feedback and questions regarding our association.
Muchas Gracias,
Cst. Max Gomez
CALPO President