WELCOME TO CALPO The Canadian Association of Latino Peace Officers WE DEVELOP OUR MEMBERS To develop means to grow or cause to grow, to become more mature, advanced and elaborate. READ MORE WE SUPPORT OUR PARTNERS To support means to bear all or part of the weight, to hold up to assist. FIND OUT HOW WE INSPIRE OUR COMMUNITY To inspire means to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something significant. GET INSPIRED Our Vision: “A lasting partnership between the Latin American Community and Law Enforcement” Our Mission: “To Develop our members, Support our partners and Inspire our Community” DEVELOP OUR MEMBERS To develope means to grow or cause to grow, to become more mature, advanced or elaborate. LEARN MORE SUPPORT OUR PARTNERS To support means to bear all of the weight, to hold up to assist LEARN MORE INSPIRE OUR COMMUNITY To inspire means to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, to animate someone. LEARN MORE